Prices starting at $400 dollars, I am proud to say that I have cultivated a price structure over the years that accommodates all needs and budgets.
Select from 30,40-, or 60-minute sessions. In addition, you can enjoy the luxury of an adventure package which is up to two hours of shooting and the only package that allows for multiple locations.
Any and every package you select will include all the digital files that were combed through to ensure they are to professional standards. Every single image will be retouched for lighting, composition, and include a natural skin retouching. Every image is delivered in high resolution format and can be accessed in black and white if you wish.
I never want to withhold images from you and force you to choose between images you deeply love. Typically for a thirty-minute session this would result in approximately 80 images and for a sixty-minute session this could be up to 200+ images. These images are all different poses and angles in which I guide you through in an efficient and fluid way.
The wide range of time domains allows flexibility in catering to your direct needs. Everyone is different. Some people love photos and want to have a long shoot and some people hate photos yet know that the moment is too important to not have professionally captured. Some families have little children, and they are worried too much time (like a sixty-minute session) would be chaos and some people enjoy the extra time so the little ones can take breaks. Aside from unique characteristics that contribute to your package decision, budgets also vary and this is the most crucial reason why I started offering thirty minute mini sessions, so that everyone could have an affordable option in an ever price increasing market.