Love Yourself First and Let Love Follow

Dating App Makeover

Feedback and rejection can be a difficult pill to swallow. Our dating app renovation aims to elevate your dating profile by ensuring you are depicting your true self while attracting the people that most align with your authentic self. Our dedicated therapist will collaborate with you on aspects of your profile such as photography, prompts, writing style, and most importantly your values.

Emotional Support Coaching

Dating. It is complex. Can be painful. A part-time job. If surviving in this world wasn’t hard enough, we add healing ourselves from our past, managing our anxieties about the future, and multiply that by five when we attempt to add another human and their complexities to our world. Having a professional therapist to help you navigate these domains has proven to help folks have higher levels of internal happiness, increase coping skills, and exponentially help your relationship and marriage when the time comes. Next Level Dating offers weekly and bi-weekly remote coaching.