Feel Weird, Photograph Well
Let’s face it, anything you do in life that you haven’t practiced, feels awkward and can trigger your fears, anxieties, and insecurities.
Do you remember learning how to ride a bike as a child? Or going to the gym for the first time as an adult? How about the first time you had to public speak?
Sure, there are people who don’t mind those mushy feelings in our stomach when you are learning something new but for most of us, it sucks!
Being “new” to something is exciting but it also can be really nerve-wracking.
Most of you will be coming to me the very first time, never had professional photos done in your life, and probably even feel a little camera shy with a simple iPhone and a friend helping you take a photo. Again, not all of you, but most of you!
This is why connection is so important to me. When we connect as two human beings and you can trust me enough to put that guard down even a hair, we can do magical things with the camera together!
I always tell my clients during our session, if it feels weird, you are doing it right! These poses will feel weird and that is a GOOD thing! It means you are stepping out of your comfort zone, you are growing, and you are learning something new.
Even with one session, you will feel loads more confident and may start to enjoy having your photo taken.
What I can promise you on my end is direction the entire time. I have had my professional photos done before where photographers do not pose me or my family and luckily I knew what I was doing, but I could not imagine being thrown into a photoshoot where someone just says “okay do something silly” or “act like you normally do”. Those “ques” are not helpful and make you feel even more on the spot and awkward.
I can also assure you, whatever you come to me with, is free of judgement. If you have certain requirements for the way you are posed or things you want to avoid, I am here to listen to those and make sure you feel good.
You make feel awkward but trust me, you will photograph well.